Geometric methods in differential equations


Organizer: Luis García-Naranjo,

This session will focus on the study of differential-geometric structures which appear in relation to differential equations motivated by classical (and quantum) mechanics. A paradigmatic example of such structures is given by Poisson and symplectic structures, whose study is very well established and still very active. We will also try to incorporate into our focus modern methods in Poisson geometry, including the Lie theory of algebroids and groupoids, the theory of normal forms, among others, as well as generalizations of the structure itself such as Dirac structures, Jacobi brackets, etc. We will also try to emphasize the interplay between the geometric properties of these structures and the study of the underlying differential equations.

Confirmed speakers

Misael Avendaño Camacho, Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Sonora
Gil Bor, CIMAT
Alessandro Bravetti, IIMAS-UNAM
Alejandro Bravo Doddoli, UC Santa Cruz, USA
Renato Calleja, IIMAS-UNAM
Carlos García Azpeitia, IIMAS-UNAM
Connor Jackman, CIMAT
Richard Montgomery, UC Santa Cruz, USA
José Crispín Ruiz Pantaleón, Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM
Yuri Vorobiev, Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Sonora
Travis Willse, University of Vienna, Austria

If you are interested in giving a talk in this session please contact the corresponding organizer and Renato Iturriaga (, Pablo Padilla (